Monday, July 3, 2017

Almost Time!

In just a few days we'll be taking our third trip to visit our partner community in Addis Ketema, Ethiopia! I always get a little anxious before I travel about forgetting important details, being on a plane for hours and hours, and leaving my kids and husband. But my anxiety is balanced with my excitement to be with people who have a huge place in my heart. I know from past trips that our time there will be rich, fulfilling, and worth it.

Many people imagine a mission trip will be filled with things like VBS and work projects, but this is not that kind of trip. The whole idea behind these partner trips is to build relationships with our partner community and learn about their specific needs, struggles, joys, and successes. It strengthens the partnership and enables us to work together to care for the kids in ways that are most helpful. We'll be spending time with the children, but just as much of our time will be spent in people's homes, hearing their stories. We'll also spend time with the leaders of the carepoint hearing what has been happening, what some of their current needs are, and planning for the future. Basically we go to listen, and then come back to share what we've learned.

We would love your prayers as we go. Here are a few specific ways you can pray for us:
  • clear communication (we do have translators but communication can still be a challenge) 
  • health and safety so we can make the most of our time there 
  • growth: we have many children who still need sponsors and would love to see growth in this area 

Thank you!  I'm hoping to use this blog to post pictures and updates as we travel and help keep everyone in the loop.  Feel free to follow and share!

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