Friday, March 29, 2019

Final Day At Addis Ketema

We had a wonderful final day at the carepoint!  When we arrived, we were able to sit with kids individually and read them letters from their sponsors.  Thank you to all the sponsors who wrote - I have never had so many letters to bring!  It was a joy to share your words and pictures with them and remind them of how loved they are!

After letters, we served them the feast.  As it has been for the last couple of years, the cost of this was completely covered by NewDay’s Awana kids!  It’s amazing that they can help us in such a tangible and significant way!

Next we were able to pass out care packages to each child that included toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair oil, pencils and notebooks.  Thank you to everyone who donated to this effort, too!  The older girls also received their feminine hygiene kits at this point, which was a lot of fun to watch.  They were really excited, and we are so grateful to Desta Girl for partnering with us to provide these for them!

In the afternoon, we sat down with the pastor of our partner church and one of the elders to hear his perspective on the partnership and pray together.  We really are blessed with a phenomenal group of leaders at our carepoint and I feel confident in the love and discipleship the children are receiving.  Praise God!

Finally, we drove with Fikru to see a few of the IGAs that many of the parents in our community have been starting.  This was something we recently fundraised for, so  it was encouraging to see firsthand how it is benefiting these families!

We’re back in Addis Ababa now and will soon begin the long journey home, but we can’t wait to share more with you when we return!

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